Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And in the Beginning, there was a To-do List

Its time to let time stop passing by and begin again upon the path to seek to once again be an artist that actually paints!

Ive started by investing in myself by purchasing the Goddess Business Course from - Well, I got the whole membership when it was on sale.  First week of the course printed and enclosed in an adorable owl bedecked binder!

Secondly, Ive dusted off (literally!) my copy of The Complete Artists Way. 

Then a nice stack of books to work through, one week at a time -

And last but not least, the glorious To-Do list.  I craft sticker charts using Google-Drives Presentation format -

Placed into a Three Ring Binder (sadly owl-less) it is where I shall start my day.

Wish me luck!
